Investment Manager Trade-Matching Statements



Statement Date

Signed by


Acker Finley Asset Management Inc. 27/09/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 17/07/2013 Marian Buklis, Chief Compliance Officer Marian Buklis
(416) 777-9636
Addenda Capital Inc. 04/10/2013 02/10/2013, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Roger J. Beauchemin, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer Compliance Department
(514) 287-7373
AIM Advisors, Inc. 02/10/2007 28/09/2007 Todd L. Spillane, Chief Compliance Officer Compliance Department
AIMCapital Management, Inc. 02/10/2007 28/09/2007 Todd L. Spillane, Chief Compliance Officer Compliance Department
AIM Trimark Investments 27/09/2007 21/09/2007 Graham Anderson, SVP Investment Operations Shakila Nazir
(416) 324-6190
Applied Research Investment Advisors Inc. 17/07/2024 02/10/2017 Amira Strasser , Chief Investment Officer
Association de bienfaisance et de retraite des policiers et policières de la Ville de Montréal 31/10/2007 31/10/2007 Louis Monette, President and General Manager Luc Daigneault
(514) 527-8061
Avenue Investment Management Inc. 28/09/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 25/11/2013 Bill Harris, Vice President Paul Gardner
(416) 482-2004
Baker Gilmore & Associates Inc. 21/09/2016 20/09/2016 Jeremy Velocci, Chief Compliance Officer Jeremy Velocci
(514) 287-0110
Barometer Capital Management Inc. 26/11/2013 23/07/2007 Gregory Guichon, Chairman Lorna Pile
(416) 601-1683
Batterymarch Financial Management, Inc. 22/10/2007 Undated Ken Slovin, Director of Operations Kenneth T. Slovin
(617) 266-8300
BCV Asset Management inc. 09/01/2017 Undated Tony Demarin, President Todd Johnson
Beutel Goodman & Company 27/09/2007 09/2007 William Ashby, President Matthew Hines
(416) 932-6426
BIMCOR Inc. 27/09/2007 20/09/2007 Brian Kouri, Vice President, Finance & Administration Remy Orsoli
(514) 394-4738
Blair Franklin Asset Management Inc. 27/09/2013 26/09/2013 Lindsay Quinn, Chief Financial Officer CFO
Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc. 01/11/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 22/07/2013, 05/11/2019 M. Paul Bloom, President M. Paul Bloom
(416) 861-9941
Blumont Capital Corporation 27/09/2007 12/09/2007 Donna Beasant, VP Operations Donna Beasant
(416) 216-3566
BMO Asset Management Inc. 09/01/2014 06/01/2014 Rajiv Silgardo, Chief Executive Officer David Reeder
(416) 359-5032
BMO Harris Investment Management Inc. 13/09/2007 10/09/2007 Andrew Paul Taylor, Senior Vice President & Chief Investment Officer Ronald Tooley
(416) 359-7161
Brandes Investment Partners, LP 18/11/2019 15/11/2019 Bonnie Acar, Director of Trading Lisa Fleischman
(858) 523-3337
British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (bcIMC) 20/11/2019 08/11/2019 Bandhna Mamak, Senior Director, Trade Management Trade Management Team
(778) 410-7218
Bull Capital Management Inc. 07/10/2010 06/10/2010 James A. Bull, Chief Executive Officer and President Gisele Huntley
(416) 250 9400 ext 262
Burkett Asset Management Limited 12/01/2016 29/12/2015, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Kevin Burkett, Chief Compliance Officer Kevin Burkett
(250) 370-0667
Caisse centrale Desjardins 13/05/2009 Undated Alain Leprohon, Vice-president Finance, Control and Compliance Alain Leprohon
(514) 281-7106
Canadian Direct Insurance Incorporated 21/12/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 07/08/2013 Brian J. Young, President & Chief Executive Officer Michael Martino
(604) 699-3648
Capital Guardian Trust Co./ Capital International Incorporated 03/10/2007 28/09/2007Reconfirmed 16/09/2013, 05/11/2019 Michael A. Burik, Senior Vice President Desiree White
(949) 975- 5738
Cardinal Capital Management, Inc. 28/11/2013 Undated Graham Robson, Vice-President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer Jill Baczynsky
(204) 594-1107
Cassels Investment Management Inc. 27/09/2007 20/09/2007Reconfirmed 13/09/2013 Liis Palmer, Vice President Liis Palmer
(416) 597-1369
Central 1 Credit Union 27/09/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 25/09/2013 Clayten Tylor, Senior Administrator, Registered Plans Renuka Singh
(604) 730-5196
Certus Wealth Management Inc. 15/11/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 02/12/2013 Dietlinde Frey, Chief Compliance Officer Dietlinde Frey
(416) 595-9191
CI Investments Inc. 05/10/2007 Undated Peter W. Anderson, Chief Executive Officer CI Compliance Department
(416) 364-1145
CIBC Asset Management Inc. 18/12/2015 Undated, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Patrick Thillou, Vice President, Structured Products & Trading David Johnson
Patrick Thillou
Citibank Canada 03/10/2007 30/09/2007 Jack Hoffman, Chief Operations Officer David Wright
(416) 946-6640
Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. 13/02/2016 18/06/2015 Derrick Crowe, Chief Compliance Officer Derrick Crowe
(604) 685-2020
Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital Ltd. 08/10/2013 13/09/2013 Corey MacEachern, Chief Compliance Officer Corey MacEachern
(416) 214-6325
COTE 100 Inc. (in French only) 06/09/2007 31/08/2007 Philippe Le Blanc, President Marc L’Ecuyer
Covista Capital Corp. 19/01/2016 01/07/2015 Spencer MacCosham, President Info
Cowan Asset Management Ltd. 29/07/2014 29/07/2014 Michael Kosmalski, President Michael Kosmalski
(844) 334-3323
CPP Investment Board 27/09/2007 Undated Benita Warmbold, Chief Operating Officer Malcolm Khan
(416) 868-8643
Credit Union Central of Manitoba 03/01/2014 Undated Barrie Davidson, Senior Vice President, Finance & Chief Risk Officer Nick Rawluk
(204) 985-4818
Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan 02/10/2007 22/08/2012Reconfirmed 25/09/2013 Sheri Lucas, CFO/Executive Vice President, Finance Renuka Singh
(604) 730-5196
Creststreet Asset Management Limited 13/09/2007 Undated Donna Shea, VP, Finance & Chief Financial Officer Sheryl Chiddenton
Cypress Capital Management Ltd. 30/11/2013 Undated Dean Alexander, Director Bonnie Staddon
(604) 659-1870
Davis-Rea Ltd. 23/11/2013 04/04/2012, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 P. Zachary Curry, Chief Operating Officer & Portfolio Manager Zachary Curry
(416) 324-2210
De Luca Veale Investment Counsel Inc. 22/07/2013 22/07/2013 Jonathan Veale, President Jonathan Veale
(250) 890-2000
Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. 18/11/2016 17/11/2016 Nicolas Richard, Chief Operating Officer DGIA Compliance
Desjardins Trust 28/09/2007 19/09/2007 François Gagnon, Executive Vice President Custody Services
Deutsche Asset Management Canada Limited 11/27/2013 11/27/2013 Un Sil Hwang, Chief Compliance Officer Un-Sil Hwang
(212) 250-3399
Deutsche Investment Management Americas, Inc. 11/27/2013 11/27/2013 Un Sil Hwang, Chief Compliance Officer Un-Sil Hwang
(212) 250-3399
Doherty & Associates Ltd. 29/09/2007 10/09/2007Reconfirmed 25/11/2013, 05/11/2019 Ian S. Sterling, President Chris Stuart
(613) 238-6727
EL Investment Management 29/09/2007 29/08/2007 Deborah Frame, Chief Investment Officer 1 877-548-1881
Fidelity Management & Research Company 03/10/2007 Undated Kimberley Monasterio, Assistant Treasurer Erik Nelson
Fiducie Globale des Régimes de retraite de la Société de transport de Montréal 29/09/2007 27/09/2007 Claude Caty, Chief Investment Officer Trang Buu
(514) 280-5165
Fiduciary Trust Company of Canada 27/09/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 20/09/2013 Tom Junkin, Senior Vice President Brad Beuttenmiller
(416) 957-6010
Fiera YMG Capital Inc. 28/09/2007 26/09/2007 Luc Sarrazin, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Denyse Rivest
(514) 954-3307
Financière des Professionnels – Gestion Privée / Professionals’ Financial – Private Management Inc. 14/01/2018 29/11/2017 André Sirard, President & chef de la direction Jean-Francois Levasseur
(514) 350-5169
Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon 30/11/2007 21/11/2007 Guy Brochu, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Mathieu Poulin
(514) 380-2001, ext. 1083
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. 22/11/2019 Undated Garvin Deokiesingh, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Compliance Officer Philip Stathopoulos
(416) 848-1930
Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. 01/05/2012 UndatedReconfirmed 20/09/2013 Don F. Reed, President & CEO Brad Beuttenmiller
(416) 957-6010
Generation PMCA Corp. 17/12/2019 Undated Randall Abramson, CEO Sasha Rnjak
(416) 956-9616
Global Alpha Capital Management Ltd. 08/07/2010 29/07/2008Reconfirmed 16/09/2013 Robert Beauregard, Director David Savignac
(514) 490-2788
Goodreid Investment Counsel Corp. 05/11/2019 05/11/2019 Gordon A. Reid, President & CEO Cathy Alfred
(416) 364-0890
Greystone Managed Investments Inc. 13/01/2015 12/01/2015 Jacqueline Hatherly, Chief Compliance Officer & Senior Legal Counsel Jamie Seaker
(306) 779-6491
Guardian Capital Advisors LP 29/09/2007 18/09/2007Reconfirmed 17/07/2013 Darryl Workman, Vice President Administration Darryl Workman
(416) 947-4096
Guardian Capital LP 19/09/2007 18/09/2007Reconfirmed 17/07/2013 C. Verner Christensen, Senior Vice-President, Compliance & Secretary Matthew Turner
(416) 947-3708
GWL Investment Management Ltd. 27/09/2007 Undated John Smith, President & Chief Compliance Officer Mark Pomehichuk
Hanover Private Client Corporation 28/09/2007 26/09/2007Reconfirmed 13/09/2013, 05/11/2019 Thomas J. Trainor, Managing Director Tom Trainor
(416) 594-3222
Hesperian Capital Management Ltd. 28/09/2007 10/2010Reconfirmed 06/08/2013 Craig Millar, Chief Investment Officer Paula Sexsmith
(403) 531-1403
Highstreet Asset Management Inc. 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Ben Legge, President Mary Irvine
(519) 963-8293
HIM Monegy, Inc. 19/09/2007 10/09/2007 Sadhana Valia, President Ronald Tooley
(416) 359-7161
Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan 17/09/2013 17/09/2013, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Barbara Thomson, SVP Finance & Chief Financial Officer Safiya Bannister
(416) 369-9212
HSBC Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited 07/03/2017 Undated, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Brian Bealle, Chief Operating Officer & Jim Huggan, Chief Investment Officer
Hydro-Québec as trustee of la Caisse de retraite d’Hydro-Québec 31/10/2007 20/09/2007 Daniel Garant, Executive Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Independent Accountants’ Investment Counsel Inc. 29/11/2013 Undated Joel Baker, Chief Compliance Officer Luke MacLennan
(519) 291-2817
Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
02/10/2007 25/09/2007 Yvon Côté, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Edith Roy
(418) 604-5000 ext. 5012
Industrial Alliance Investment Management Inc. 02/10/2007 25/09/2007 Yvon Côté, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Edith Roy
(418) 604-5000 ext. 5012
Inhance Investment Management Inc. 01/10/2007 28/09/2007 Lynn Shook, SVP Operations & Human Resources Lynn Shook
(604) 975-3303
Intact Investment Management Inc. 05/11/2019 Undated Werner Muehlemann, Senior Vice-President and Managing Director, Intact Investment Management Compliance Department
(514) 350-8541
IPSOL Capital Inc. 05/01/2015 27/12/2014 Jacques Lussier, President & Chief Investment Officer Guy Desrochers
(514) 842-2225
Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited 12/11/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 13/09/2013 Stephen A. Jarislowsky, Chairman & CEO Lucy Chan
(514) 842-2727
Jory Capital Inc. 19/09/2007 07/09/2007 Patrick M. Cooney, Chairman, CEO & President Donna Kostiuk
(204) 925-5219
Lawrence Asset Management Inc. 04/07/2008 Undated Grant McCutcheon, V.P. & Secretary
Level 3 Investment Management Inc. 05/09/2017 31/08/2017 Paul Campbell, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Partner Jimmy Brennan
Lighthouse Private Client Corporation 27/09/2007 Undated Jessica Thomas, Chief Compliance Officer Jessica Thomas
(519) 963-6200
Lincluden Investment Management Limited 26/11/2013 Undated C. Lynn Eplett, Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer Lynn Eplett
Longview Asset Management Ltd. 11/24/2011 11/24/2011 R.B. Matthews, Chief Compliance Officer Frank Zhang
(416) 947-1144
Mackenzie Investments 02/18/2022 02/18/2022 Gurmeet Jolly, SVP Asset Management Operations & Corporate Services Alastair Heath
(416) 355-2511
Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd. 11/12/2007 10/12/2007Reconfirmed 18/09/2013 Chris Salapoutis, Chief Operating Officer James Mikelson
(416) 848-3582
Majestic Asset Management 31/01/2018 11/09/2016 Denis Paquette, co-CEO and Chief Operating Officer; David Bilodeau, co-CEO and Chief Investment Officer Olivier Lapierre
(514) 281-4099 x153
Manulife Asset Management Accord (2015) Inc. 22/04/2015 22/04/2015 Michael Evans, Chief Operating Officer Susie Bedakelian Rafael
(514) 499-2734
Matco Financial Inc. 04/08/2021 Undated Jason Vincent, President & Chief Operating Officer Jaime Morin
Matrix Funds Management 23/11/2013 Undated David Balsdon, Chief Compliance Officer & Secretary-Treasurer Raluca Sarbu
(416) 365-4079
Mawer Investment Management Ltd. 19/09/2007 07/09/2007 Donna J. Mack, Chief Compliance Officer Donna J. Mack
(403) 770-1270
MFC Global Investment Management (Canada) – A Division of Elliott & Page Limited 29/09/2007 26/09/2007 Kevin Adolphe, President Hasan Khan
(416) 926-5914
Mirador Corp. 20/11/2012 Undated Stan Clarke, President Stan Clarke
(403) 718-0125
Montrusco Bolton Investments Inc. 24/09/2013, reconfirmed 06/11/2019 24/09/2013 Benoît Bourdages, VP Operations Benoît Bourdages
Morgan Meighen & Associates Limited 30/11/2013 29/11/2013 Vanessa L. Morgan, President Chris Esson
(416) 366-2931 ext.227
Morningstar Associates Inc. 8/1/2019, reconfirmed 06/11/2019 Undated Scott Mackenzie, President & CEO Michael Leonard
(416) 484-7008
Mulvihill Capital Management Inc. 29/09/2007 Undated John P. Mulvihill, President & CEO Supriya Kapoor
(416) 681-3955
Natcan Trust Company 04/10/2007 24/09/2007 Pierre Paul Cournoyer, Vice President Operations Sylvia Gad
(514) 868-5457
National Bank Trust 27/09/2007 24/09/2007 Pierre Paul Cournoyer, Vice President Operations Sylvia Gad
(514) 868-5457
NBC Alternative Investments Inc. 25/03/2008 Undated Nathalie Jasmin, Chief Operating Officer Nathalie Jasmin
(514) 394-7564
NCM Asset Management Ltd. 07/11/2019 Undated Alexander Sasso, Chief Executive Officer Paula Sexsmith
(403) 531-1403
Newhaven Asset Management Inc. 27/09/2007 20/09/2007 Stephen T. Moore, Managing Director Stephen T. Moore
(416) 815-2278
NexGen Financial Limited Partnership 23/11/2013 27/08/2012 Abhishek Goenka, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer Abhishek Goenka
(416) 775-3723
NS Partners Ltd. 08/10/2013 01/11/2012 Anna Kirk, Chief Compliance Officer Anna Kirk
OFI Institutional Asset Management Inc. 23/01/2008 11/2007 Mark Vandehey, Chief Compliance Officer Brian Dvorak
(303) 768-1133
Jake Burford
(303) 768-2826
OMERS Administration Corporation 28/09/2007 Undated Jenny Tsouvalis, Vice President, Investment Operations and Applications Jenny Tsouvalis
OppenheimerFunds, Inc. 23/01/2008 11/2007Reconfirmed 25/11/2013 Mark Vandehey, Chief Compliance Officer David York
(212) 323-5219
Jake Burford
(303) 768-2826
Optimum Asset Management Inc. 28/09/2007 26/09/2007 Claude Lamonde, President Suzanne Tremblay
(514) 288-7545 ext. 612
Palos Management Inc. 13/03/2009 13/03/2009 Charles O. Marleau, Dir. Robert Sands
(514) 397-0188 x880
PanAgora Asset Management, Inc. 28/09/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 05/11/2019 Louis X. Iglesias, Chief Compliance Officer Chris Ballum
PenderFund Capital Management Ltd. 20/09/2012 Undated Kelvin Kwong, Chief Financial Officer Melanie Moore
(604) 630-5448
PCJ Investment Counsel Ltd. 28/09/2007 27/06/2007Reconfirmed 16/09/2013 Heiki Altosaar, Compliance Officer Heiki Altosaar
Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management, a division of RBC Global Asset Management Inc. 24/08/2007 Undated Heidi Johnston, Chief Financial Officer Lisa Yuen
(604) 408-6101
Picton Mahoney Asset Management 06/02/2015 Undated, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Arthur Galloway, Director of Operations Compliance Department
(416) 955-4108
Portland Investment Counsel Inc. 18/09/2016 Undated, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Christopher Wain-Lowe, Chief Investment Officer, Executive Vice President & Portfolio Manager Portland IC Compliance
(905) 331-4250 x4689
PSP Investments 19/09/2013 19/09/2013 John Valentini, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer Mark Boutet
(514) 925-5431
Putnam Investments 27/09/2007 24/09/2007 Robert R. Leveille, Managing Director, Chief Compliance Officer Kimberly Day
(617) 760-5098
Pyramis Global Advisors, LLC 02/10/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 06/12/2013 Chip Russo, Treasurer Tom Phillips
(416) 217-5710
Radin Capital Partners Inc 05/11/2019 Undated Brad Radin, Chief Executive Officer Shaen Ramsay
(416) 929-6777
Rae & Lipskie Investment Counsel Inc. 29/11/2013 11/2013 Brian E. Lipskie, President & Chief Operating Officer Natalie Jackson
(519) 578-6849
RBC Global Asset Management Inc. 15/11/2019 Undated Larry A. W. Neilsen, Chief Compliance Officer Lisa Yuen
(604) 408-6101
RBC Insurance 26/11/2013 26/11/2013 John Young, Head Investments Chris Carter
(905) 606-1934
Rival Capital Management Inc. 06/06/2013 14/06/2012 Antoni Warzel, President and CIO Antoni Warzel
(204) 992-6211
RockLinc Investment Partners Inc. 12/09/2017 12/09/2017, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Jonathan Wellum, Chief Compliance Officer Jonathan Wellum
(905) 631-5462 Ext. 2
Rondeau Capital Inc. 04/06/2014 Undated G. Keith Graham, President Keith Graham
(416) 487-4444
Royce & Associates, LLC 24/10/2007 23/10/2007 Daniel A. O’Byrne, Vice President Kennethe D. Smolanoff
(212) 593-3473
Scheer, Rowlett & Associates Investment Management Ltd. 07/02/2012 02/02/2012Reconfirmed 16/09/2013 Tim Bradshaw, Chief Compliance Officer Tim Bradshaw
(416) 202-6676
Scotia Cassels Investment Counsel Ltd. 29/09/2007 Undated John T. Varao, President & CIO Catherine Tuckwell
(416) 933-3065
SEAMARK Asset Management Ltd. 12/06/2019 Undated Beste Alpargun, VP, Fixed Income Bernice Clarke
(902) 423-9462
Seymour Investment Management Ltd. 20/04/2010 UndatedReconfirmed 25/11/2013 Carl Hoyt, President & CEO Cynthia Hawley
(604) 659-1721
Shaunessy Investment Counsel 06/11/2007 01/09/2007 Terence Shaunessy, President & Portfolio Manager Mark Kryzan
Silver Heights Capital Management Inc. 19/09/2018 19/09/2018, reconfirmed 07/11/2019 Lung-Ming Lam, President
Société de gestion privée des fonds FMOQ inc. 24/12/2010 23/12/2010Reconfirmed 25/11/2013 Jean-Pierre Tremblay, Vice President Daniel Charbonneau
Sojecci II ltée 30/11/2007 21/11/2007 Guy Brochu, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Mathieu Poulin
(514) 380-2001, ext. 1083
Sojecci Alberta Ltd. 30/11/2007 23/11/2007 John Campbell, Director Mathieu Poulin
(514) 380-2001, ext. 1083
Soutterham Investments Limited 10/12/2015 30/10/2015 David D’Agostino, Chief Executive Officer David D’Agostino
(416) 324-7493
State Street Global Advisors, Ltd. 24/07/2013 24/07/2013 Peter Lindley, President and Head of Investments Inya Ivkovik
(647) 775-7875
T.I.P. Wealth Management Inc. 24/03/2015 13/03/2014, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Jim Huang, President & Portfolio Manager Jim Huang
(416) 304-6814
Tacita Capital Inc. 13/02/2018 01/15/2018 Michael E. Nairne, President & Chief Compliance Officer John Smeeton
(416) 640-6739
TD Asset Management Inc. 06/09/2007 23/08/2007 Michael Thorfinnson, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Risk Officer TD Asset Management Settlements
(416) 307-9255
The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada 02/10/2007 20/09/2007 C. Paul English, Senior Vice President, Investments Nancy Kent
(519) 886-5110 x8119
The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company 27/09/2007 Undated Mary Nemeth, Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer V. Mak
(204) 985-5429
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company 27/09/2007 Undated Paul Goodman, Vice-president & Comptroller V. Mak
(204) 985-5429
Thornburg Investment Management 18/12/2013 Undated, reconfirmed 05/11/2019 Michael Doorley, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer Stephen Velie
(505) 467-7283
Timbercreek Investment Management Inc. 05/11/2019 Undated Tim Fitzpatrick, Chief Compliance Officer Tim Fitzpatrick
(416) 923-9967
Toron Capital Markets Inc. 03/10/2007 Undated Arthur Heinmaa, Managing Partner Kai Herrmann
(416) 645-8740
Triumph Asset Management Inc. 27/09/2007 Undated Bonnie Bloomberg, Chief Compliance Officer Amanda Hotton
(416) 366-1947
UBS Investment Management Canada Inc. 18/06/2015 Undated Elizabeth McCormick, Director; Shona Stone, Executive Director Elizabeth McCormick
(416) 345-7162
USAA Mutual Funds Trust 19/09/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 25/11/2013 Ronald B. Sweet, VP Equity Investments Sheila Sanchez
(210) 498-7578 AND
Valarie Day
(210) 498-7579
Vancity Investment Management 27/09/2007 20/09/2007 Allan Pankratz, Vice President Allan Pankratz
(604) 871-5355
Van Eck 04/10/2007 22/09/2007 Russell Brennan, Manager Portfolio Administration Jason Wilson
(212) 293-2124
Viking Capital Corp. 02/10/2015 21/09/2015 John Sartz, President & CIO John Sartz
(416) 367-1630
Webb Asset Management Canada, Inc. 13/02/2008 12/02/2008 Ken McCord, President & CEO Ken McCord
(416) 933-5746
White Crane Capital Corp. 19/06/2019 Undated Emil Khimji, President Emil Khimji
(604) 416-7201
Wellington-Altus Private Counsel 02/10/2013 13/10/2022 Danny Stoller, President Compliance Department 833-274-4765
Woodstone Capital Inc. 19/09/2007 UndatedReconfirmed 13/09/2013 Mahmood S. Ahamed, President Gina Holliday
(604) 605-8303
Wutherich & Company Investment Counsel Inc. 27/09/2007 18/09/2007 Wilfried Wutherich, President John A. MacDougall

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