IIAC Cybersecurity Conference




2016 IIAC Cybersecurity Conference

The 2016 IIAC Cybersecurity Conference was held June 14 in Toronto and featured an impressive roster of expert speakers who provided insights on key cyber issues, trends and challenges. Topics included the following:
> Current threats – Ransomware, phishing scams and the increasing risk for financial services firms
> Legal, privacy and other liability considerations – Before, during and after a breach
> Comparing the U.S. and Canadian cyber regulatory frameworks
> How to survive a data breach
> Engaging and evaluating vendors – Due diligence and other considerations
> Cybersecurity insurance


2015 IIAC Cybersecurity Conference Presentations and Links

On June 4, 2015, the IIAC hosted its first Cybersecurity Conference in Toronto. Click here to access a recap of the event, including the session synopses. IIAC members can access presentation materials by clicking here.


For more information on the IIAC’s annual Cybersecurity Conference, please click here.

Visit the IIAC’s Cybersecurity Resource Centre for more helpful information, tools and links to resources intended to assist firms in developing and maintaining their cybersecurity plans.

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