The Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) social media pages are monitored and moderated. We post, like, and retweet content that we believe will help better inform our Member dealer firms, regulators, government officials and investors.

Content you can expect to find includes:

  • IIAC news releases, media coverage, announcements, upcoming events or programs, submissions, newsletters, industry letters, reports and speeches
  • Photos and videos from internal sources, events and media interviews
  • Links to relevant media coverage, blog content or social media posts (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)
  • Various content from domestic and international securities regulators and government agencies

Following, Liking & Linking

We follow, friend, and like stakeholders, members of the media, and individuals. Generally, we try to connect with those who share insights into the investment industry, regulatory policy, and other relevant topics. A link, follow, or like does not imply an endorsement of any kind.

We retweet, like, comment, and blog on issues related to our advocacy efforts and on our publications, events and other announcements that we deem of interest to our key stakeholders. These actions should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the originator, the content they post, or of any organization the content refers to. Overall, social media posts should not be considered as the IIAC authoritative source. Please consult our official website at (English) or (French).

Replies, Comments & Questions

We monitor and moderate our social media pages. We endeavour to read and respond to comments, @tweets, direct messages, etc. We may not respond to every comment or message.

The IIAC reserves the right to remove and/or block anyone who posts inappropriate comments and/or material as determined by the IIAC. In addition, the IIAC reserves the right to remove comments and material that are:

  • Product promotions, advertising, or spam
  • Investment advice, recommendations or promotions
  • Anonymous


If you have questions about our social media policies, or require additional information about the IIAC, please e-mail us at

We accept no responsibility for a lack of service due to social media downtime or for any other reason.

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