Opportunities in the Canadian Green Bond Market (IIAC Blog)

April 30, 2018 by
Ian Russell

The IIAC is conducting research on opportunities in the Canadian green bond market. Green bonds, issued by public and/or private entities, fund projects that are certified to have positive environmental and/or climate benefits.

As a first step, we have released a position paper that serves as an introduction on the underlying features of the global and Canadian marketplace for green bonds. The paper includes information on:

The size of the global market and major players.

Projects that take up the largest share of green bond funds.

Current and prospective Canadian green bond issuers.

Canadian market dynamics to date in 2018.

The IIAC paper will be updated in early summer, 2018 to include recommendations, developed in consultation with the IIAC’s Debt Markets Committee and debt syndicate working group, to promote the development of a more liquid green bond market in Canada.

For more information, please contact Todd Evans (tevans@iiac.ca)

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