Inter-Dealer Broker Trade-Matching Statements

Inter-Dealer Broker Trade-Matching Statements



Statement Date

Signed by


Financière des professionnels – Fonds d’investissement/ Professionals’ Financial – Investment Funds Inc. 14/01/2018 29/11/2017 André Sirard, President & chef de la direction Jean-Francois Levasseur
(514) 350-5169
Freedom International Brokerage Company 05/10/2007 04/10/2007 Michael Woolnaugh, SVP Finance & Administration  
Prebon Canada Limited 28/09/2007 26/09/2007 Chris Woolcock, Chief Operating Officer Chris Woolcock
Shorcan Brokers Limited 14/09/2011 06/09/2011 Peter Conroy, President Peter Conroy
(416) 360-2508

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