IIAC Offers Solutions to Rising Market Data Costs

February 13, 2023 by Public Affairs

Timely, accurate, affordable, and accessible sources of market data for all its consumers is fundamental to our capital markets. The IIAC has assembled content and comments from subject matter experts to provide a holistic view of market data, its problems and the “what and how” needed to get to fairer and more affordable offerings.

Certain key recommendations include:

  • An independent, regulated information processor and consolidator of market data.
  • A cost-based pricing methodology comprised of actual costs with only reasonable, defensible margins.
  • Improved fee transparency.
  • Modernizing procedures that reduce market data total cost of usage.

Our February 10, 2023 comment letter details these recommendations.

Related media below:

TSX parent sets ambitious goals for global expansion and data revenue growth – The Globe and Mail

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