The IIAC has launched a new publication titled “IIAC Fixed Income Market Regulatory Update.” You can read our inaugural issue by clicking here.
This monthly newsletter will bring you up-to-date on bond market regulatory developments in Canada, the U.S., Europe and Asia. It also includes relevant links and IIAC commentary.
If you or others in your organization are impacted by regulatory changes in the fixed income markets, then this publication is for you.
The November 2015 issue covers topics such as:
– CSA next steps in regulation and transparency of Canada’s fixed income market
– Municipal securities rulemaking in the U.S.
– EU Bond transparency requirements of MiFID II
– ASEAN Common Prospectus
If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter, please email us at PublicAffairs_AffairesPubliques@iiac.ca and we will add you to our mailing list. Please put “Request for Fixed Income Market Regulatory Update” in the subject line.