IIAC: Brushing Up Education Models

September 20, 2023 by Public Affairs

On September 20, 2023, the IIAC provided its recommendations for a revised education model for investment and mutual fund dealers alike. Some key points:

  • The work experience and formal education that is recognized by regulators as relevant should be expanded. Let’s not unduly limit those we who can contribute to industry professionalism.
  • Exam content for all registration categories should be relevant to the job and kept current. Industry input into exam content can help.
  • Rather than a separate exam addressing ethics, all exams should include professional conduct content.
  • An individual who writes and passes an exam for a registration category should be able to apply for the job. Firm sponsorship is unnecessary.
  • Preparatory courses for all exams should be left to a competitive, open market.

CIRO’s proposal is here.

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