Webinar: Sustainability Finance – A Growing Toolkit to Achieve High Impact

May 26, 2022 | 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET

The sustainable bond market continues to grow and achieve record levels. Since the first green format issuance, dating back to the European Investment Bank’s inaugural bond in 2007, the market has developed to include a greater variety of labelling options such as sustainability bonds, social bonds, and sustainability-linked bonds. This product diversification has enabled investors to achieve greater and more diversified portfolio impacts. Companies and governments around the world have successfully issued green bonds to fund projects ranging from renewable energy, energy efficiency to clean transportation. More recently, the social bond market was instrumental in helping issuers fund pandemic relief programs and other pressing categories addressing affordable housing and income inequality. In parallel, the sustainability-linked bond market emerged offering organizations the ability to align GHG reduction commitments with funding strategy, and align with investor carbon budgets. With performance attribution better supported by research, the case for sustainable finance and ESG integration has grown.


Jason Taylor | Managing Director & Head, Sustainability Advisory & Finance | National Bank Financial


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