REGISTER NOW: The IIAC Small Dealers’ Symposium – Sept 10 2014


  Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Location:  St. Andrew’s Club and Conference Centre, 150 King Street West, 16th Floor, Toronto

A minimum of four panel sessions are likely eligible for CE credits.

Join us for this full-day event to hear from industry professionals about practical and solution-driven discussions about current policy and regulatory issues affecting small and independent dealers.  Network with peers throughout the day and during the cocktail reception.  

Panel sessions to include:

Cyber Security – Keeping Your Business and Clients Safe – Larry Keating (NPC
DataGuard) and J. Paul Haynes (eSentire)

Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)  – Compliance Issues for the Financial Industry Adam Kardash (Osler, Hoskins and Harcourt)

Current Tax Related Issues for Small Dealers – Debbie Pearl-Weinberg (CIBC), Brian Snider (BMO Financial), Dan Lundenberg (Grant Thornton), Ian Toye (Grant Thornton) and Barb Amsden (IIAC)

Live Law – Current Legal Issues Affecting Small Dealers – Ellen Bessner (Babin, Bessner, Spry LLP)

Moving to Managed AccountsIssues and considerations in transforming your business from traditional retail to managed accounts – Randy Ambrosie (MacDougall MacDougall MacTier), Mario Frankovich (Burgeonvest Bick Securities Limited), Jacob Leibel (Raymond James), Scott MacKenzie (Fidelity Clearing Canada ULC) and Ray Sawicki (Mandeville Private Client and Mandeville Wealth Services)

NEW – For the latest agenda, please click here.

IIAC Member $200.00
Non-Member $275.00
(Prices do not include HST) 

To register, please click here. 


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