*** SOLD OUT ***
Date: February 27, 2014 (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Location: The Toronto Board of Trade
First Canadian Place, 77 Adelaide Street West, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON
Join us for this full-day event to hear from industry professionals about many considerations raised by current policy and regulatory reforms impacting the securities industry. Network with peers throughout the day and during the cocktail reception.
Panel sessions to include:
- “Should You Press Send?” – Navigating the New Anti-Spam Regulations
- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) – What you need to know
- Development in Listed Derivatives
- Industry Observations on Seniors as Clients
- Client Relationship Model (CRM) – Clock is Ticking: 336 days down, 869 to go
- Anti-Money Laundering – New Requirements and FINTRAC Guidance
IIAC Member $250.00
Non-Member $325.00
(Prices do not include HST)
For any questions please email pflores@iiac.ca
Presenting Sponsor
Breakfast and Morning Break Sponsor
Lunch and Afternoon Break Sponsor
Cocktail Reception Sponsor
General Sponsor