REGISTRATION OPEN: 2015 IIAC Compliance and Operations Symposium – Apr 1 2015

Event:  IIAC 2015 Compliance and Operations Symposium
Date:  Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Place:  St. Andrew’s Club and Conference Centre, 150 King Street West, 16th Floor (Garden Hall), Toronto

Join us in Toronto on April 1, 2015 for this full-day event to hear perspectives on topical issues impacting compliance and operations  professionals within Canada’s securities industry. Network with peers throughout the day and during the cocktail reception.

Panel sessions to include:
   – IIROC Staff Review of IIROC Annual Compliance Report
   – Point of Sale: Meeting the Challenges
   – T+2: The What, Why, When and How of a shorter settlement cycle in Canada
   – Global Tax Information Reporting: What you need to know…FATCA and beyond
   – Cybersecurity

*** Panel sessions may be eligible for CE credits  ***

Note: Agenda subject to change


IIAC Member $250.00
Non-Member $350.00
(Prices do not include HST)

Please click on the button below to register

Sponsorship Opportunities:  Please contact Jack Rando ( or Pauline Flores (

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NOTE: Your username is your email address UNLESS you have changed it.


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