REGISTER NOW: OTC Derivatives Reform 2014 – Apr 29-30 2014

OTC Derivatives Reform 2014






Presented by INFONEX in association with the IIAC

Date: April 29-30, 2014
Location: Toronto (Venue – TBD)

Get Detailed Insight on Emerging Issues and New Regulatory Requirements for Over-the-Counter Derivatives 

Receive 10% off regular priced rates with discount code: 1106-IIAC

INFONEX provides the annual go-to conference for getting up to speed with OTC derivatives reform specific to the needs of Canadian market participants. With a mixture of presentations and informal discussions among regulators, buy-and-sell side participants, and service providers, you will gain a thorough understanding of where you should be in your implementation process. Both U.S. and Canadian regulators will provide you with the latest update on the new rules, and clarity around the “true” deadlines with which you need to comply.

Confirmed sessions/speakers include:

1. Guidance on Regulatory Implementation Essentials: Compliant from Trade Reporting All The Way to Clearing

  • Kevin Fine, Director, Derivatives Branch, Ontario Securities Commission

2. Panel Discussion Impacts of the Volcker Rule on Global Markets

  • Derek West, Senior Director, Derivatives Oversight, Autorité des Marchés Financiers du Québec
  • Rena Shadowitz, Senior Counsel and Director, Bank of Montreal
  • Glenn Goucher, President and Chief Clearing Officer, Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC), TMX Group

3. Margining for Non-Centrally Cleared OTC Derivatives

  • Representative, Financial Markets Department, Bank of Canada

4. Public Comments on New OTC Derivatives Reporting Requirements

  • Derek West, Senior Director, Derivatives Oversight, Autorité des Marchés Financiers du Québec


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