SPACE IS LIMITED. REGISTER NOW: IIAC-IIROC CRM2 Conference – Montreal – Apr 24 2014





April 24, 2014, Montreal
Saint-James Club, 1145 Union Avenue, Montreal, QC H3B 3C2

 NEW – This is seminar is eligible for 1-1/2 CE credits


The July 15, 2014, deadline for implementation of the Client Relationship Model Phase 2 (CRM2) is fast approaching. Other major changes will take effect in July 2015 and 2016. These changes include:

    • Pre-trade disclosure of charges 
    • Annual report on charges and other compensation 
    • Annual investment performance report 

Will you be ready?

The changes will have an impact on your relationship with your clients. Will you – and your team members – be ready? Do you know how to do the following?

    • Adequately prepare your clients for the changes
    • Explain the different types of compensation
    • Demonstrate the value of the advice you provide
    • Explain the difference between the two types of returns used by the industry and their correct usage
    • Document your files to demonstrate that you comply with the new requirements 

Come and listen to the advice of two experts on these matters:

    • Karen M. Rogers, Partner, Langlois Kronström Desjardins
    • André Fok Kam, CPA, CA, MBA 

Join us for a CRM2 breakfast conference on April 24.  To register, click here

Registration: 7:00-7:30 a.m.
Breakfast and Presentations: 7:30-9:00 a.m.


$30.00 for IIAC members
$40.00 for non-members
(Prices do not include GST and QST)





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