REGISTER NOW: Economic Outlook and Portfolio Strategy – Montreal – Oct 2 2014


Economic Outlook and Portfolio Strategy
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Saint James Club, 1145 Union Avenue, Montreal


Vincent Delisle, Scotiabank
François Dupuis, Desjardins Group
Sébastien Lavoie, Laurentian Bank Securities 

— Stock markets have steadily risen over the past five years.  Are stocks “overvalued”?
— The Canadian Dollar: Will the weakness continue?
— Bond yields are near their historic lows and we are getting mixed signals on the
    monetary policy front. What should we expect and how to prepare?
— Growth in emerging markets appears to be slowing. What are their prospects?
— Is a “Japanese scenario” in the works in Europe? 

Come hear the views of our three economists and strategists on these issues. 
Join us for a breakfast conference on October 2nd. 
*** Group discounts available ***
$30.00 for IIAC members ($220 for a table of 8)
$40.00 for non-members ($320 for a table of 8)  
(Prices do not include GST and QST)



This session is eligible for 1 CE credit (professional development).


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