REGISTER NOW: 2017 Economic and Financial Breakfast – 26 Jan 2017

IIAC-IIROC logosREGISTER NOW: 2017 Economic and Financial Breakfast

*** Note:  The presentations will only be conducted in French ***

Date:   Thursday, January 26, 2017
Time:  7:00-7:30 a.m. EST Registration
7:30-9:00 a.m. EST Hot Breakfast Buffet and Presentations
Location:   Club Saint-James de Montreal, 1145 Union Avenue, Montreal, QC 

Sébastien Lavoie, Chief Economist, Laurentian Bank Securities
    The Future of Trade, Globalization and Technological Revolution: The Challenges of the Canadian Economy

Jacques Lussier, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Investment Officer, IPSOL Capital
    How to know if a portfolio is well built

Gold Sponsor : $720 (mentioned as Gold Sponsor and two tables of 8 people)
Silver Sponsor : $400 (mentioned as Silver Sponsor and one table of 8 people)
Table : $350 (seats 8 people)
Individual seats : $50
(Prices do not include GST and QST)

NEW: 1.25 professional development credits will be awarded


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