REGISTER NOW: 2016 IIAC Cybersecurity Conference – 14 Jun 2016

 2016 IIAC Cybersecurity Conference
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Location: St. Andrew’s Club and Conference Centre
150 King Street West, 16th Floor, Toronto, ON

The IIAC is committed to assisting our members in their efforts to be cyber-resilient. As part of this commitment, we are hosting our annual cybersecurity conference designed to help members protect their firm and clients against the evolving cyber threat by better understanding it. This year’s event will be held on June 14 in Toronto.

Please join us for this important event which will provide you with practical information about how the financial industry is, and should be adapting to this evolution. The day will end off with a networking reception. 

Topics to include:

   – Current Threats
   – Tailoring Your Cyber Insurance to Your Business Model
   – Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Regulatory Framework (Panel:
   – Breach Response Roadmap
   – Vendor Due Diligence
   – Legal/Privacy/Liability Considerations

NEW – Agenda. Please click here.

For sponsorship information please contact Pauline Flores ( or 416-687-5478).

IIAC Member $300.00
Non-Member $400.00
(Prices do not include HST)

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