REQUEST FOR NOMINATIONS: Top Under 40 Award – due 31 May 2015

Established in 2013 by the Smarten Up Institute, in collaboration with the Investment Industry Association of Canada, the IIAC Top Under 40 Award is designed to celebrate an individual whose drive, dedication, and personal and professional qualities render him or her capable of having a positive influence on the investment industry early in his/her professional life.

One recipient will be awarded the opportunity to work alongside one of the top industry leaders for a one week period in association with the Smarten Up Institute’s Mentor Program®. A real benefit is the rare opportunity for a young ‘up and comer’ to see first-hand the challenges and rewards that face the President or Chairman of an Investment Firm, or the CFO or CIO of a major financial institution or industry vendor firm.

In addition, the recipient will be given a course of their choosing with the Smarten Up Institute in Toronto, or a course in association with Smarten Up Institute at a partner University or College.

The winner will also win a weekend for two in New York City. 

This award has a total value of more than $7,000.

Download a PDF of the nomination form in English or French.

*** Nomination forms must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. ET, May 31st, 2015 *** 

Award Criteria
Nominators must demonstrate that the nominee has brought distinction to the Investment/Financial industry and/or given outstanding service in one or more of the following areas:

1. Career Accomplishments

•    Excellence in any career position, other professional/ academic achievements, etc.

2. Commitment to the Canadian financial industry

•    Involvement in one’s company events/workshops
•    Involvement with other professional bodies or business-related organization
•    Promotion of the profession: communications (speaking, writing, media), recruiting students into the profession, etc.

3.  Education

•    Promotion of continuing applied education to all industry professionals and seeks to bridge knowledge gaps in industry sectors
•    Teaching, mentoring, coaching, etc.

4. Community Service and Involvement

•    Charitable community work, service to the profession and other business groups

The nominee must be a full time employee of an IIAC member firm who is under the age of 40 by December 31st of the prior year and who has not previously been a recipient of the award.

Judging Committee
The three members of the Awards Advisory Board, consisting of industry and education professionals, will judge and approve nominations for the Top Under 40 Award. Members of the Advisory Board are not eligible to be nominated.

Nominating Procedure 
Any employee of an IIAC member firm may nominate another employee of an IIAC member firm by providing an information packet containing:
•    A completed nomination form obtained from the IIAC or Smarten Up Institute. 
•   A signed letter containing supporting reasons why the nominee satisfies the award criteria.

All nominations must be sent by email to with the subject line: “IIAC Top Under 40 Award”

The Top Under 40 Award is sponsored by Smarten Up Institute Inc. 

“What’s wonderful about this program is that every year you find out about a young professional in the financial/investment community who is doing something really worthwhile,” says Laurie Clark, CEO of Smarten Up Institute.

Another benefit to the awards process is that the recipients meet leaders in the industry probably 10 years sooner than they would have otherwise. They then become part of a network of winners and often get involved in activities like fund raising, public speaking or being on an advisory board together.

The benefit for the financial/investment community is in getting to know the next generation of industry leaders.



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