Joint IIAC- SIFMA Webinar: Aging Demographics – Addressing Clients’ Cognitive Decline

April 12, 2022 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET

North America’s Aging Demographics are widely known. The investment industry is at the forefront at addressing its challenges in a manner that is fair and reasonable to both its clients and its investment professionals. At this webinar we will explore U.S. and Canadian approaches to common yet difficult questions such as:

    • How can or should investment professionals respond to cognitive decline or possible cognitive decline?
    • What are the real and perceived ‘safe harbours’ available to both investors and investment professionals?
    • How are industry professionals responding to these questions in a balanced manner?
    • What are the common issues that arise from investor complaints where the accountholder has cognitive impairment and how are they best resolved?


Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr. | President and CEO | Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)

Benjamin Brown | Executive Director – Governance and Controls | CIBC Wealth Management

Marie-Emmanuèle Cardinal | Assistant Vice-President – Client Complaints, Legal Affairs | Financial Markets and Wealth Management | National Bank Financial

Ron Long | Head of Elder Client Initiatives Center of Excellence | Wells Fargo & Company

Laura Paglia | President and CEO | Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC)

Joel Sauer | Director of Senior and Vulnerable Investor Investigations | Charles Schwab


*** This webinar may be eligible for CE credits ***


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