The Future of Finance: A Canadian Central Bank Digital Currency


Date: 02/02/23

Start time: 4:00 pm

End time: 6:30 pm

$99 members; $149 non-members

Location: Vantage Venues Conference Centre, 27th floor (St. Andrew’s Hall & Lounge), 150 King St W


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The Bank of Canada is building capacity for issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) – a digital form of money that would be made available to all Canadians. While the decision to issue a CBDC ultimately rests with Parliament, the Bank is committed to being ready should the need arise.

Considerable work has gone into improving the technical understanding of possible design choices, exploring the Canadian payment landscape, engaging with federal institutions and financial sector stakeholders, analyzing the potential benefits and risks of issuing a CBDC, and collaborating with other central banks and experts to help meet relevant public policy objectives.

To further awareness and understanding of issues associated with CBDCs, and implications for the financial sector, the IIAC invites you to join us for a panel discussion featuring:


Robert Fay | Managing Director, Digital Economy Research | Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) – Moderator

Bob assesses and provides policy recommendations for the complex global governance issues arising from digital technologies. Prior to joining CIGI, Bob held several senior roles at the Bank of Canada (BoC), most recently as senior director overseeing work to assess developments and implications arising from the digitization of the Canadian economy.


Brian Gelfand | Director, Technology Consulting; Digital Assets Lead | EY Canada

Brian advises clients in the areas of financial market infrastructure and regulation for both traditional and digital assets. Brian has worked on several projects involving crypto currency, securities, and CBDC, and is a member of the Atlantic Council CBDC Roundtable. Prior to EY, Brian was a senior executive at the TMX Group with responsibilities for derivatives markets and post-trade services for securities and derivatives.


Scott Hendry | Senior Special Director, Banking and Payments Strategic Leadership | Bank of Canada

Scott oversees the Bank’s efforts to monitor and research developments and implications of new technologies affecting the financial sector. He previously held the role of Director of Research for the Funds Management and Banking Department and, before that, for the Financial Markets Department. His personal research has focused on electronic money, price discovery in the Canadian government bond market, and central bank communication.


Andreas Veneris | Connaught Scholar and Professor, Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science | University of Toronto

Andreas was part of a multidisciplinary team commissioned by the Bank of Canada to propose an architecture for a potential central bank-backed digital loonie based on careful research of the technological, legal, economic and geo-political considerations.


A cocktail reception will follow the panel discussion.


Thank You To Our Gold Sponsor




*** This session may be eligible for CE credits ***




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