REGISTER NOW: The Assistants’ Conference – Dec 5 or 6 2016

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The 2016 Assistants’ Conference

Date: Toronto – December 5, 2016
Toronto Board of Trade 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Date: Montreal – December 6, 2016
Omni Mont-Royal 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

The IIAC and Croesus, along with a number of industry partners, has organized a conference dedicated to the Assistants in the wealth management industry. The event will take place in Toronto, then in Montreal. The conference is designed to deliver high impact content from experts in compliance, client communications, management and empowerment.

Assistants will learn concrete ways on how to be more effective to add value to both advisors and clients. 

The conference is truly an event not to be missed. We appreciate your help in promoting the event!

To register or for more information, please click here

English - AC Flyer - Dec 2016

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