Sarah P. Bradley Appointed Ombudsman and CEO of OBSI (IIAC Blog)

August 5, 2015 by
Sarah P. Bradley

The Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) congratulates Ms.  Sarah P. Bradley on her appointment as Ombudsman and CEO of OBSI—The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments.

Ms. Bradley is a highly respected regulator and well experienced in securities regulation, public policy development, business law and governance, business fiduciary obligations and commercial law. Ms. Bradley served most recently as the Chair and CEO of the Nova Scotia Securities Commission (NSSC), is a former Vice-Chair of the Canadian Securities Administrators, and has been a representative on the Canadian Joint Forum of Financial Regulators. She is also an Associate Professor at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University.

This extensive and experienced background brings the needed leadership to guide the OBSI through a crucial period of challenging regulatory change, both within the existing regulatory framework and the imminent Capital Markets Regulatory Authority, the CMRA.

Sarah P. Bradley understands the importance of building an effective Ombudsman for the investment industry to engender confidence and market participation among individual investors, and for a committed and supportive industry. The IIAC and its 148 Member firms are delighted with the appointment and look forward to working closely with Ms. Bradley as she takes on her new responsibilities in the fall.


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