Our network comprises of thought leaders. Their goal is to advocate thoughtfully and thoroughly for the growth of healthy, competitive financial markets in Canada.

We strategically and selectively add to our network where it enhances our collective intellectual capital for the betterment of financial markets in Canada. Our network may include market participants such as issuers of public and private securities, dealers, trusts, and insurers.

Participants in our organization are committed to the success of financial markets in Canada. They “leave their egos outside”. They give and receive, generously sharing their insights and comfortably receiving commentary.  They are accountable to their colleagues around the table.

For more information on joining our network, please email publicaffairs_affairespubliques@iiac.ca.

Participation is subject to approval.

Affiliate Program:

Our Affiliates are also thought leaders. They provide infrastructure, technology and other professional services and advice to financial markets that brings valuable perspective.

For more information on our Affiliate Program please email publicaffairs_affairespubliques@iiac.ca.

Please note that participation in our affiliate program is subject to approval.

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