Unlock Private Capital to Kick-Start the Economy (IIAC Blog)

December 1, 2015 by
Ian Russell photo - February 2014
Ian Russell

From the President

In an article in Policy Options – the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP)’s flagship publication – I presented a three-pronged approach to unlock private capital to kick-start the economy.

First, we need a plan to help small businesses raise equity capital to promote entrepreneurship and kick-start the economy.

Second, we must draw private capital to invest in infrastructure, especially for smaller and medium-scale projects (i.e. under $200 million) that are not as attractive for large pension funds because of their relatively small investment scale.

Third, we need to encourage private savings for retirement.

Canada is blessed with deep and effective capital markets, quality investment opportunities, as well as the savings to fund attractive projects. We need to seize these advantages in our policy-making. 

You can read more, including the IIAC’s priority recommendations for the Government of Canada, by clicking here.

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