

Date : 04/18/2024

Registration: 2:30 pm

Heure de début de la session: 3:00 pm

Heure de fin de session : 4:30 pm

Cocktail Reception: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Endroit: 100, rue Wellington Ouest, bureau 1910, Toronto (coin nord-est des rues Wellington et York, Centre TD)


La description

The exploration of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has gained significant momentum worldwide, with over 130 countries, including Canada, actively engaged in CBDC research and development. While CBDCs have the potential to transform the global payments landscape – to improve its efficiency, lower transaction costs and increase financial inclusion – concerns have been raised over privacy, cybersecurity and government control. In the U.S., the possibility of a U.S. CBDC has become a hot-button political issue.

Are these concerns warranted? Is a CBDC inevitable in an increasingly digital world? What is the possible impact of CBDC issuance on the financial system? What about its impact on privacy and data collection? What role can the private sector play in meeting future payment needs?

Join us on April 18 to hear from top digital currency experts who are shaping the future of money:


Modérateur :

Andreas Veneris, Connaught Scholar and Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, cross-appointed with Computer Science, University of Toronto



Yaya Fanusie, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Centre for a New American Security; Director, Policy, AML & Cyber Risk, Crypto Council for Innovation; former CIA counterterrorism analyst

Jennifer Lassiter, Executive Director, Digital Dollar Project; Mosaic Fellow, Progressive Policy Institute

Andreas Park, Research Director, FinHub, Rotman School of Management; Professor of Finance, Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga & Rotman School of Management

Paul Samson, President, Centre for International Governance Innovation


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