
Hope You Will Join Us For One Of These Remarkable Events (IIAC Blog)

26 septembre, 2017 par
Ian Russell

The IIAC’s events bring together regulators, government officials, IIAC members and opinion leaders to address the issues that are important to the investment industry.

We also collaborate and partner with other organizations to offer our members unique programs designed with their needs and interests in mind.

Hope to see you at one of these upcoming events.

SIFMA Compliance & Legal Society/IIAC breakfast. Toronto. October 6.

Canadian Institute, Common Reporting Standard (CRS) Compliance Conference. Proudly supported by the IIAC. Toronto. Oct 17-18.

IIAC Investment Industry Hall of Fame Gala Dinner & Induction Ceremony. Toronto. October 26.

Take Our Kids to Work Day™. Toronto. November 1. (open to grade 9 students related to an IIAC member-firm employee).

Assistance Conference for the Wealth Management Industry. Proudly supported by the IIAC. Toronto. December 5 | Montreal. December 7.

More to come.

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