
Comment faire des affaires avec la Chine

MEMBERS-ONLY COMPLIMENTARY SESSION: A Gateway to doing business in China

Date : Monday, September 9, 2013

Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm Luncheon Presentation

Location: TBA (Toronto)

The IIAC is pleased to present “A Gateway to doing business in China”. IIAC Member Firms are invited to explore options for establishing, deepening and growing activity with China.

Guest Speaker: Kishore Sakhrani, Director, Orangefield ICS Limited

This session will cover the following:
• Overview: Using Hong Kong as a Gateway to Doing business in China
• Summary: With the recently signed Hong Kong Canada tax treaty, why Hong Kong is an even more attractive gateway for companies doing Business with China.

To register, please send an email to pflores@iiac.ca .

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