
Bare Trust Reporting Issues for Dealers and their Clients

Date : 11/05/2024

Heure de début: 10:30 am EST

Heure de fin: 10 h 30: 11:30 am EST

Emplacement: 100, rue Wellington Ouest, bureau 1910, Toronto ON (Une option hybride sera disponible pour ceux à l'extérieur de Toronto)

Des billets: Complimentary for IIAC Members

Des questions ?: Email publicaffairs_affairespubliques@iiac.ca


La description

Exclusively for IIAC members, this session will cover the bare trust reporting rules, how the dealers’ clients may be impacted, and how dealers may be subject to bare trust reporting.



Grace Pereira | Partner | Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Tony Zhang | Tax Lawyer | Borden Ladner Gervais LLP



Des billets

Type de billet Les espaces
Billet membre N/A

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